LessonPix for Infants and Toddlers
Parents and caregivers all want to give babies and toddlers the very best start to their development. LessonPix can be used to create everything from simple black and white or high contrast pictures for infant visual stimulation to simple picture books and song cards to facilitate language and early interactions from infancy and beyond. LessonPix is affordable enough for parents to purchase and easy enough that busy early interventionists can quickly make custom resources to share with families!
Check out some of these resources for our youngest learners:
Black and White Contrast
Black and white cards with simple shapes and common objects are a great way to stimulate early visual motor skills or entertain babies during tummy time.
High Contrast Story Cards
Use these high contrast cards featuring characters from Brown Bear, Brown Bear to enhance early picture book reading and provide visual stimulation. Also perfect for young children with vision needs.
Vocabulary Color Cards
These Tab and Flap Card sets using primary colors are perfect to clip on a stroller or play gym for early exploration of colors and early vocabulary.
Songs and Rhymes Visuals (for new parents too!)
Help new parents learn songs and rhymes to sing with their babies. Some early childhood favorites include Wheels on the Bus, 5 Green and Speckled Frogs, 5 Little Ducks, and The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Stick Puppets
As babies and toddlers grow and are able to hold onto objects, engage them in interactive song play or rhymes with stick puppets, such as this fun Old MacDonald set or classic nursery rhyme characters.
Bedtime Routine Schedule
As parents and caregivers develop routines with toddlers, the use of very simple picture schedules can provide predictability, allow for growing autonomy and independence, and support following directions. Keep the schedules short and sweet, like this bedtime routine!
Song Choice Board
Another way to promote autonomy within the context of routines, is to allow young children to select the song or finger play they want using a simple choice board. Keep it simple, considering the age of the child when choosing the number of options available.
Baby Signs
Introducing signs for common words is a great way to provide multimodal language input for young children. A simple sign dictionary supports caregivers and parents facilitating early language development.