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Tacky the Penguin Question Cards

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Karen Bombardier
Question Cards
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Tacky the Penguin Question Cards Who is the story about? bear tacky penguin fish What kind of bird is Tacky? odd stinky ugly What did the penguins do each day? Trip each other Greet each other Kiss each other How did Tacky go into the water? Dive jump Cannon ball What else did the penguins like to do? Sing songs whisper yell Who showed up to hunt? Teachers Hunters people What were the hunters hunting? bears penguins Snakes Where did the penguins hide? Behind a block of ice Behind the car behind the boat What did the hunters do? Fly Away run away swim away What did the penguins do at the end? Pushed Tacky Kissed Tacky hugged tacky


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