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Classic Mini Donuts

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Dianna Maurer
Alphabet & Reading
Picture Cards
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Classic Mini Donuts Step 1: plug in Donut maker To warm it up. Step 2: Measure 1 Cup flour Pour in bowl. Step 3: Measure 2 teaspoon Baking Powder Step 4: measure a 1/2 cup sugar Step 5: Measure 1/4 teaspoon salt Step 6: melt butter the in the microwave. Step 7: add cracked egg together with melted butter. Step 8: milk Step 9: measure 1 Teaspoon vanilla Step 10: Mix all together then add to Mixture Whisk Batter then pour in gallon bag. Close the bag. Step 12: Cut the corner of the bag. Squeeze batter into donut maker. Step 13: Close lid. Bake for four minutes. Step 14: Remove with tongs. Let donut cool. Spread on frosting.

Classic Mini Donut recipe to use with your Dash Mini Donut Maker!

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