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Initial & Medial CH hearts

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PowerPoint Fixed (Plain)

Each page of your material is set as a background image on a PowerPoint slide. This allows you to draw on the page as well as move objects onto the page. Great for Telepractice!

PowerPoint Fixed (w/Tokens)

Same as above, but with some of our most common token symbols. Keep the ones you want and delete the rest to make an interactive game for remote play.

PowerPoint Moveable

Each page of your material is placed on a separate slide as a moveable picture. Rearrange and resize as you see fit.

Note: All PowerPoint formats are tested with Google Slides

Allie Morris
Articulation & Phonology
Themed Picture Cards
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Initial & Medial CH hearts Beach ball ketchup kitchen matches archer Butcher catcher pitcher teacher marching nachos stitches wheelchair lunchbox High Chair french fries Free Choice Spin Chair potato chips bag check Toy Chick lamb chop baby chair say cheese box of chocolates treasure chest nature urchin picture chocolate chips peaches hatched Dream catcher Orchard pasture rancher witches patches catching hatching paycheck Canned Peaches reaching french toast sticks posture and poncho picture frame is watching touching toes match picture creature catch a wave coaches whistle beach umbrella crutches hot chocolate Touchdown Peach Pie witch hat Key Chain crunchy carrot cream cheese Statue purchase Grouchy furniture take a picture stitch string cheese chinchilla Bleachers Diaper change grandchild question munch

Initial & Medial CH - hearts

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<div style='margin:0 auto;font-family:Arial,sans-serif;background-color: #eeeeee; border-radius: 10px; padding: 5px; width: 350px;'><a href='' style='display: block;'><img style='display:block;margin:0 auto; border:none' width='335' height='335' alt='Initial &amp; Medial CH hearts' src=''></img><div style='font-size: 20px; text-align: center;'><a href='' style='display: block;'>Initial &amp; Medial CH hearts</a></div><div style='font-size: 12px;'><p>Initial &amp; Medial CH - hearts</p></div><div style='font-size: 10px; text-align: right;'><a href=''>By alliemo at</a></div></div></div>

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<div style='margin:0 auto;font-family:Arial,sans-serif;background-color: #eeeeee; border-radius: 8px; padding: 2px; width: 200px;'><a href='' style='display: block;'><img style='display:block;margin:0 auto; border:none' alt='Initial &amp; Medial CH hearts' width='180' height='180' src=''></img><div style='font-size: 20px; text-align: center;'><a href='' style='display: block;'>Initial &amp; Medial CH hearts</a></div><div style='font-size: 8px; text-align: right;'><a href=''>By alliemo at</a></div></div>

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Width: 150px Height: 144px

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<div style='margin:0 auto;font-family:Arial,sans-serif;background-color: #eeeeee; border-radius: 5px; padding: 2px; width: 150px;'><a href='' style='display: block;'><img style='display:block;margin:0 auto; border:none' width='130' height='130' alt='Initial &amp; Medial CH hearts' src=''></img><div style='font-size: 10px; text-align: right;'><a href=''>By alliemo at</a></div></div>