Classroom Jobs
If you want students to become responsible, give them responsibilities. Classroom Jobs are a great way for students to take responsibility for their classroom.
When students take responsibility for certain tasks, they...
- Gain a sense of pride and care for their classroom
- Actively participate in a classroom community
- Make classroom procedures more efficient
- Are valued and included in the classroom
- Alleviate some of the work for the teacher
Many teachers post a visual to show the classroom jobs. Pocket Charts, magnets, or velcro work in creating the classroom job chart. The teacher may designate the jobs to students, students may choose / apply for their job, or the students may rotate through the jobs. A student's job may change daily, weekly, or quarterly. The previous student may "train" the next student to do their job.
LessonPix provides many pictures teachers can use to create a visual to show the classroom jobs. Check out our Classroom Job Pictures Here. Remember: you can change the text on any picture to fit your needs.
Here are some sample jobs for an early childhood / elementary classroom: (Click the link to see a sample picture)
Caboose (Last in Line and Makes sure everyone stays with the class)
Light Helper (Energy Monitor) (or Lights)
Attendence Checker (or Attendance)
Calendar Helper (or Calendar)
Weather Checker (or Meteorologist, Meteorologist)
Lunch Helper (or Lunch, Lunch, Lunch)
Snack Helper (or Snack)
Table Washer (or Table Washer)
PE Helper (or PE Helper, PE Helper, PE Helper)
Art Helper (or Art Helper)
Music Helper (or Music, Music, Music)
Gardener (or Gardener, Gardener)
Center Monitor (Checks centers, calls students to go to their center)
Cubbies Monitor (or Cubbies)
Notebook Helper (Collects / Hands out Notebooks) (or Notebook)
Cot Helper (Helps with resting cots) (or Cot)
Playground Monitor (or Playground)
Photographer (or photographer)
Paper Monitor (or Paper)