5 Social Skill Lessons for use in Remote Learning
Adapting to Remote Learning, Distance Learning, or Telepractice has been quite a challenge! Using the LessonPix PowerPoint Download and Add-In features, we created activities to teach social skills online. (You can also use these ideas in Google Slides with the new LessonPix Play Tools.)
To learn how to add the LessonPix PowerPoint Add-in, check out this video:
Here are 5 lesson ideas for social skills instruction that are designed for online teaching. Each activity should be embedded with time for discussion, role play, and review.
1. Teaching Feelings
When teaching social skills, identifying feelings is a foundational concept. Invest time in teaching about feelings: naming feelings, recognizing feelings in self and others, and considering feelings of others may be different than our own in a situation.
Here is a Feelings Bingo using PowerPoint Download and Add-In. Click here to learn more about how to use LessonPix in PowerPoint.
Here is the material to use for this lesson:
For more feelings activities, look in the Sharing Center - Feelings.
Check out these other videos about feelings on YouTube:
2. Ways to Greet a Friend
A fun social skill lesson teaches ways to greet a friend appropriately. The best part about this skill is that it can be applies immediately. Talk about different ways to greet, considering social distancing and location. This activity starts with a story read in powerpoint. Then use the spinner to role play different ways to greet a person.
Here are the materials to use for this lesson:
For more feelings activities, look in the Sharing Center - Greeting.
Here are some YouTube videos on greeting a friend:
- Greet someone without touching by Jack Hartman
- Greet different people in different ways
- Social Skills Video Modeling
3. Ways to Calm
In this lesson, we will discuss and create a list of ways to calm. The strategies will vary from person to person and in different settings. For example, taking a walk may not be appropriate in the classroom or for a person with mobility concerns.
Next we read a story: When Sophie Gets Angry by Molly Bang or Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst
Then we look at Timmy's day by downloading this material into PowerPoint (or Google Slides). Place your child's calming strategies in the tray and use the dice or spinner to randomly select a calming strategy for Timmy the Turtle to use.
Here are the materials to use for this lesson:
For more feelings activities, look in the Sharing Center - Ways to Calm
Here are some YouTube videos on greeting a friend:
4. Expected or Unexpected Behavior
People expect others to act a certain way in different places. Talk about how you would expect people to act in the library, at a restaurant, or on the playground. Role play expected and unexpected behaviors in different situations.
Here is an activity to sort diffferent behaviors for a classroom setting: raise hand, scream, clean, etc. Talk about the 5 Cool Points to remember. Then spin the spinner and discuss whether the behavior is expected or unexpected.
Here is the material to use for this lesson:
For more feelings activities, look in the Sharing Center - Unexpected Behaviors.
Here are some YouTube Videos on Expected and Unexpected Behaviors:
5. Big Problem or Little Problem?
Consider a list of problems: shoe untied, it's raining, and earthquake. Discuss whether each problem is big or little. Consider that the situations may differ in different sitations or to different people.
Here is the material to use for this lesson:
For more feelings activities, look in the Sharing Center - Problem.
Here are some YouTube Videos on Size of a Problem:
#gen ed, #general education, #social skills, #social-emotional, #behavior strategies, #behavior