Postcards and Letters Template
Postcards and letters template provide wrting activities for specific purposes. Write a letter to a friend or send a postcard to families to tell them about an upcoming event. These fun templates provide real purpose for writing activities. There are even great Christmas letter templates too!
Postcards are a great way to send a quick note to someone. The postcard template allows one picture and space for a note and address. Students may draw a picture on the back or glue to a 4 x 6 photo. This template prints two 4 x 6 posts on a letter-size page or you can print on a 4 x 6 index card.
Here are some examples of the postcard template from the Sharing Center.
Letter templates provide a variety of line and formats to write a letter to someone.
Holiday Letters
Send a letter or postcard to Santa using these fill-in-the-blank letter templates. Or write your own note.
You may also convert any style with holiday cheer by adding joyful pictures.
Have fun writing!